Børneinstitutionen Holluf Pile-Tingkærl
Holluf Pile-Tingkær is a daycare in Odense Municipality. Under Holluf Pile-Tingkær there are 8 unities with around 100 employees with around 400 children in the age of 0-6 years old. Odense Municipality provides development of quality of daycare and development and well-being of all children in a playful and meaningful way that make sense to the children. We are specialists in providing quality social education and development and well-being of the children that gives all children access to a meaningful and including community. Odense Municipality works from the Government made law of The pedagogical curriculum is prepared on the basis of the common pedagogical basis as well as the six curriculum themes and the associated pedagogical goals for the connection between the pedagogical learning environment and children's learning.
The structure of the curriculum is divided into 11 themes. The 11 themes are also included in the strengthened curriculum, which is nationwide and politically adopted, and on which all eight orphanages work. Therefore, it also makes sense that we also include the 11 themes in this umbrella curriculum for the entire institution.
The 11 themes are:
- The institution's view of children;
- Education and child perspective;
- Play in Focus;
- Learning;
- Children's communities;
- Pedagogical learning environments;
- Collaborate with parents on children's learning;
- Children in vulnerable positions;
- Pedagogical learning environment with connection to pre-school;
- Involvement of the local community;
- The work with the physical, mental and aesthetic child environment.
- Learning partners (the children)
- Digital formation
- Technology understanding - STEAM, BIR (The children in Robotic City is Odense Municipality's efforts for technology understanding and digital education for all children and young people in Odense.)
- social media