SERN is a transnational network of 58 Swedish and Italian local and regional authorities. The network was founded in February 2005 with the main objective of structurally developing relations and exchange of good practices between its members in the two countries, creating a model of cooperation that covers different sectors of local and regional policies and which involves different levels of government and a plurality of actors such as educational institutions and the third sector. SERN has been promoting the development of projects in the field of learning and education, and particularly in early childhood education and care, such as: A Comenius Regio between Emilia Romagna (IT) and Östergötland (SE) on the integration of pupils in the school context. A three-year project for the exchange of pre-school staff among member organizations based on job shadowing. SERN was the coordinating organization of CREANET, a Comenius multilateral network launched at the end of 2010 dealing with the issue of creativity in the pre-school school in ECEC. SERN was also the coordinator of EQUAP, a strategic partnership on the topic of quality and participation in pre-school services with the aim of defining tools to promote participation in pre-school services. SERN is now involved as partner organization in the following projects related to ECEC services: SIA PROD which aims to develop an innovative approach for the professional development of early educators. This partnership supports the notion of self-assessment and self-improvement, upon which the whole project will be based. BACK PACK ID for promoting the inclusion of refugee children at school SIDEIS whose aim is to develop strategies for innovative learning contexts fostering integration in schools